"Those maths, wedded with the passion of Aaron and his team, make good sense to us"

We found this post from our funding partner's website interesting posted following their site visit in April 2016.
"Travel one hour from Kampala and you can find yourself in the township of Wanteete, one of a million villages in Africa where people arise each morning and resume the fight to make it through another day.
We discover nearly all our partners by introduction – and so it was in 2013 that we met Aaron through Segal Family Foundation, whose first African office was based in Kampala. The multiple recommendations and two meetings with Aaron saw us funding before we had actually visited the school – and so it was exciting to finally get there on 6th April 2016 and see all that had been achieved. In one sense the school resembles a construction site – reflecting Aaron’s drive to build and build until the money runs out – then pause until more money comes in. It may not – but it is an approach that is educating 540 young children on a budget of $213k. Those maths, wedded with the passion of Aaron and his team, make good sense to us" Mark and Amanda Cubit of Cubit Family Foundation.