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BESO Foundation Post Covid-19 Sustainable approach to end poverty in Uganda

BESO Foundation leverages a social enterprise approach to solving access to quality education. We are working to ensure that rural learners have access to quality education that can enable them grow up into critical thinkers and problem solvers.


We are embarking upon a process of establishing sustainable model schools in rural districts in Uganda. In Kayunga District, we have established an Early Childhood Learning Center, Primary School, and a Secondary and Vocational School. Once completed, these three schools will serve as sustainable model schools and be resource centers for other schools in the district. Each school to offer scholarships to out standing students from low income households.


BESO Foundation is in the process of evolving from a traditional grant based organization to a development enterprise, providing quality and affordable education in rural Uganda. This new business model is aimed at making the Organization financially sustainable by reducing dependence on grants and external financing.


In an effort to move away from dependence on external restricted funding, we hope to generate income by providing quality and affordable education to communities that would otherwise have to leave their geography to attain the same. We intend to equip local communities with the tools, knowledge to start business through promoting easier access to credit. This would be done through our economic empowerment program.


Financial sustainability in our operations, is crucial to the long term survival and effectiveness of our programs. Over dependence on restricted and external financing is an indicator of potential un sustainability. The COVID 19 pandemic has unearthed the need to shift our operational rhythm towards a social enterprise model, whilst lessening dependency on grants and external support.

Meet the Sustainability Strategic team. 

BESO Foundation is delighted to Partner with Mothership Voyage to drive sustainability for the work that BESO has achieved for the past 10 years.  

The team will lead BESO Foundation's Sustainability strategy for 2021 to 2024.



You can support girl child education and safety by contributing to $350,000 towards construction of  800 girls’ hall of residence by 2021. A generous donor has already committed $100,000 towards this project. You can contribute online with any amount. 


A safe place to learn can change the future for girls in Uganda


Girls who board will have more time to study, develop social skills, and participate in extracurricular activities like sport, drama, and vocational classes. Their educational outcomes will improve, giving them a better chance at university placement and employment.

Educating a girl can break the cycle of poverty in just one generation


 Join$1.5Mfund CHALLENGE

You can be joined with other givers into a challenge to collectively commit $1,500,000 towards our sustainability plan by 2023 by making a 5-year commitment of between $50,000 to $500,000. The social return of this commitment is to sustainably educate 3,000 children by 2025.


Key objectives of the $1.5m sustainability Fund;

  • Becoming self-sufficient in financing own operational costs for running our core business.

  • Ensuring sustainability of Kayunga model schools by 2025 to provide 3,000 children of which 70% girl child access to affordable quality education.

  • Provide micro finances to families to boost their businesses and keep children in schools.

offer a soft LOAN 

You can offer a soft loan to us from $200,000 to $500,000 payable in 10 years.


We can discuss flexible re-payment terms because there are two key financial criteria to our mission:

  • 50% of overall enrollment of learners, shall contribute 100% subsidised tuition requirements

  • 50% of overall enrollment of learners, shall be enrolled on scholarship.

  • Total revenues will grow from a base of approximately $200,000 to over $700,000 by year five of operation. These gains are a direct benefit of the continued support of our donors and parents.



The COVID 19 pandemic has unearthed the need to shift our operational rhythm towards a social enterprise and sustainability model, whilst lessening dependency on grants and external support.We shall ensure that each year, the need for external financing is reduced by 20% until we are fully internally financed. By 2023, we shall ensure that the need for external financing is reduced by 70% until we are fully internally financed.  As such we have set ourselves the task. We need your support. 

Join our sustainability call

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